Of course, music is my primary mode of expression. But I’m simply not moved to write without inspiration…and inspiration comes to me through deep dives. “Artifice” is my homespun inspiration wellspring. It’s its own form of expression, certainly, but more than anything, it’s a cozy nest where my musical mind reliably (weekly) gets an inspo […]
Looking For Branches
How are ya? Is the fall weather perking you up, or leaving you drained? Are you settling in to a new routine, or feeling more at sea than ever? Personally, I’m feeling a little better now than I was in the summer months. I think I felt a bit emotionally drained after releasing Masks (a […]
Mushroom and Leek Ramen
It seems like it’s maybe about time for another On Brand, Off Medium post… I’m a professional musician, but I really try to practice what I preach with creative exploration, comfort zone expansion, etc. Cooking is one of my favorite ways to flex my creativity outside of my professional medium. And lately, I’m especially interested […]
How to Plan Your Album Before You Begin Composing
Hi Loves! I have an exciting thing to tell you… So. I released “Masks” on May 8, and suddenly found myself with a LOT of free time (because, you know, all of my summer gigs were cancelled ). And the way that I handled all of that free time was to compose, compose, compose, compose. Just […]