Well hey there! If you’ve made it to this page, you probably already know a little about me… Obviously, I’m a musician—a singer and a songwriter. But more broadly, I’m a person who loves to make and consume artful things. I’m especially moved by fantasy and mythology; and I particularly love stories that are beautiful […]
What You Know How To See
I hope December is treating you right so far. I have been depresssssssssed lately, but feeling a bit better this week. So, I thought I’d reach out with some deep dive-y musings… I’ve been thinking a lot lately about taste—what is “good,” excellent, original, etc. I imagine this is a question that plagues many artists. […]
On Fear: An Ode to Spooky Season ?
Well Friends, October was a big one. A new single out, and I got to shepherd the first group of travelers across The Hallowed Wide ? #guidedtour… Toward the beginning of this year, I made a promise to look my scariest scaries right in the face moving forward, and these last several weeks have really put […]
Care Within Commodity
A funny thing happened a few weeks ago… I was chatting with one of my best friends (hellloooo Pierce!), and he mentioned that even though he knows I write all of my emails (because I see him all the time and I talk about it…), they sometimes feel like they’re coming from some magical assistant-type person. And you […]