I have a hypothesis… It’s a hypothesis about human connection – about what it takes to be a more connected family of humans. In a decidedly unscientific manner (artfully methodical?), I’ve been gathering data and conducting research for years—looking for patterns, drawing tentative conclusions, codifying loose procedures. I’m not sure how to tell you… This […]
Bleed in Color Pt. 2: Grief and Grappling
Bleed in Color is out tomorrow! I wanted this song to be a specific nod to Pride for this record, but since I’m not LGBTQ+ myself, I wrote from the personal experiences I have with my own colors being muted. When I wrote this song in May of 2020, I had been “no contact” with […]
Bleed in Color Pt. 1: A Love Letter
The Hallowed Wide is a study in empathy, perspective, and understanding, so it felt important to me to include a song with arms open specifically to the LGTBQ+ community. Soooooooooo many of my dearest friends throughout my life (and a huge percentage of my most darling, heart-changing students) have been LGTBQ+. My first experience with […]
It’s Always the Beginning
How’s about a little deep dive, darlings? Artifice Season 5 wrapped up in June, and Season 6 is LOCKED AND LOADED, ready for release starting in August. I can’t wait! It’s…seriously the most diverse and vibrant overall season yet. Weeee! It’s such a wonder to listen to other artists share their stories—the ebbs, the flows. […]